We facilitate daily work
We innovate your commercial and administrative processes with tailor-made solutions, able to simplify the procedures related to contracts, compliance with the GDPR and forms.
We manage for you the entire dematerialization process in accordance with all documents subject to signature: from the creation itself to the digital signature, even remotely, up to storage and integration with ERP and CRM company systems, according to current legislation. Furthermore, we offer an outsourced operational support activity, with specific and dedicated skills.
We guarantee you a consulting approach with a global vision, capable of combining vertical sector skills, flexible technological supports and an international level experience, for an optimization of processes and always oriented to the final result.
We support your business activities
Management of customer and supplier contracts
Management of privacy forms
Management of Pharma sector forms
Management of intervention reports
We tell of a world in constant evolution
Premiazione Le Fonti Awards 2024
Il gruppo editoriale milanese Le Fonti, anche quest’anno ha premiato le eccellenze italiane di var…
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Digital Evolution: the Italcementi example
A wonderful project for a large company like Italcementi projected towards digital evolution. &…
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Digital Evolution
BusinesSolution renews the company logo. The company was established in a period of trans…
Leggi di più30/07/2019
We study new ways to achieve great goals
Talk to our consultants, make your organization evolve